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		Lucy Barton's Historic Costume for the Stage book logo

"Historic Costume for the Stage"

Walton Fan "Susan"
San Diego, California
February 8, 2000

"This was the textbook for my college History of Costume class. I majored in fashion design, subsequently went on to become a theatre costume designer, and for every costume, every show I have ever designed, this book was the initial source. I have NEVER seen a better overall costume reference. A must for anyone with a fascination for human apparel."

Barton, Lucy. Historic Costume for the Stage, renewal ed. Boston: Walter H. Baker Co., 1963.

Golden Threads "Pythia"
December 30, 2005

"This was the text book for my history of costume and other classes at University. It, along with it's brief but incredibly helpful pattern book are my first stop whenever creating an historical costume. I have walls of books on the subject but this is, for me, definitive. Dear Lucy, her research is impeccable, her hints on construction are invaluable and the illustrations are informative. I was a professional theatrical costume designer and maker for years and I have always kept this one for my best reference. It is followed, but not supplanted by the Janet Arnold books. These experts knew the extant garments of these periods and were respected by people in their own fields as well as the museum curators, etc. Get this one by all means!"

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