ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title> Christopher Columbus Play Script </title> <META content="The Christopher Columbus Play Script is the story of explorer Columbus' discovery of America designed for a fully staged production." name=description> <META content="Christopher Columbus play script, A New World for Columbus Play Script- the story of explorer Christopher Columbus' discovery of America for full production, the christopher columbus story as short funny skits scripts, famous explorers, download play scripts, kids play scripts, plays for elementary school and junior high school and middle school and high school students" name=keywords> <META content=index,follow name=robots> <META content="Education&#6;" name=classification> </head> <!--This script gives the background and text parameters for the downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <body text=#000000 size=4 vLink=#ff0000 aLink=#ff9900 link=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff> <!--End of Script--> <!--This script sets flexible margins for the downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <style type="text/css"> body { margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; }</style> <!--End of Script--> <!--christopher columbus play scriptcover--> <img src="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_imgs/NewWorld-259.jpg" width="200" height="259" border="1" alt="downloadable christopher columbus play script" align="left"> <table> <tr> <td width="75%"> <b> <h1> <center> We take the <i><b>hassle</b></i> out of doing a play. <font color="#ff0000"> <ul> <li>Easy to get! <br> <li>Easy to edit! <br> <li>Easy to produce!<BR> </ul> </h1> </center> </font></b> </td> <td width="25%" valign="top"> <center> <!--Bookstore logo for downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <IMG width=110 border=0 height=80 src="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_imgs/Bookstore logo.jpg"> </center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75%" valign="top"> <center> <font color="#000080" size="6"> <b>"A New World for Columbus"</b> </font> <br> <font size=4 color=#000000>a play script about<br> famous explorer Christopher Columbus</font> </center> </h2> <br><br> <br><br> <center> Let's begin with getting ahold of the script! <br> </center> </td> <!--Script for the Journal of Education on the downloadable christopher columbus play script page--> <td width="25%" bgcolor="#66ccff" valign="top"> <center> <b><font color="#000000"> The most enlightened <br> Journal of Education <br> on the Internet <br> is available FREE! <br> <a href="newsletter.html" target="_blank"> Click here! </a> <br> And for a <br> limited time only <br> get this great <br> FREE BONUS <br> with your subscription: <br> "<i>7 All-Time Favorite Games for the Classroom or Theatre Ensemble." </b></font> </center> <!--End of Script--> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table> <tr> <td width="35%"> <!--This script creates the endorsement formatting for downloadable christopher columbus play script --> <table border=5 width=100% cellspacing=10 cellpadding=10> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffdd" valign="top"> <font color=#ff0000 size=4><b> Testimonial !! <br> <font color=#000088 size=4><i> "I searched the Internet for middle school play scripts and came across your site. I am a middle school teacher and am involved in a voluntary after school drama club for 6th-8th graders. Our drama club meets after school once a week and we are hoping to be able to perform for students & families sometime in December. We do not have much of a budget for our club, so I was pleased with the cost of the download of your scripts, as well as the simplicity of the download. <br> Thanks!<br> Heather Child<br> Craig Middle School<br> heatherchild@msdlt.k12.in.us <br> </i></font></b> </td> </tr> </table> <!--End of Script--> </td> <td width="35%" valign="top"> <center> <font size="4"> You can <b><font color="ff0000"> avoid shipping charges </font></b> <br> and get the Christoper Columbus' play script <br> <font color="ff0000"> downloaded right to your desktop <br> <b> NOW </b></font> <br> <font size="6"><b> for just $8. </b></font> <br> <!--E-BOOK order form downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <br/> <a href="http://14.creative76.pay.clickbank.net?detail=columbus" target=cb> <img src="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/dwpdl/dwpadmin/images/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Buy downloadable christopher columbus play script"> </a> <br> <font size="1"> You will receive a Zip file containing a Word document. <br><br> (Why buy an ebook? Many reasons: <a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/WhyBuyAnEbook.html"> Click here </a>.) </font> <br><br><br> <b> OR </b> <br><br> for just $11, you can have the Hard Copy. <br> <!--HARDCOPY order form for downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="MGXVLFHQB92FG"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_cart_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="order downloadable christopher columbus play script"> <img alt="downloadable christopher columbus play script" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </form> <!--End of downloadable christopher columbus play Script--> </center> </td> <td width="30%" valign="top"> <!--This script creates the parameters formatting for Wise Old Woman play script of Japanese Fairy Tale--> <table border=5 width=100% cellspacing=10 cellpadding=10> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffdd"> <font color=#ff0000 size=4><b> Description of this Script: </b><br></font> <font color=#000088 size=4> <b>Duration</b>: 45-mins.<br> <b>Genre</b>: comic drama.<br> <b>Cast Size</b>: 1 male lead, <br> 2f & 10m supporting, <br> expandable supporting chorus (complete cast list, including number of lines each, <a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/NewWorldColumbus-Cast.html"> click here</a>).<br> <b>Grade level</b>: 4th gr.+ or m.s., h.s. or adult, esp. when playing for a children's audience.<br> <b>Production ideas</b>: included at the back. <br> <b>Thematic curriculum ideas</b>: included at the back.<br> <b>Size</b>: 8 1/2" x 11", spiral bound, color cover.<br> <b>Song</b>: One chanty song. </td> </tr> </table> <!--End of Script--> </tr> </table> <br><br> <font color="#ff0000"><b>Synopsis:</b><br></font> As a Chinese and Islamic trader trade spices for carpets, we learn why the sailors from the Islamic countries became the middlemen between the Asian and European countries. In the next scene, the Islamic trader is haggling about price (which is now increased 5,000%!) with an Italian merchant, overheard by Christopher Columbus and his parents. Christopher Columbus vows to become a rich merchant, against his parents will, but on his first voyage his uncle's ship is attacked and destroyed by pirates. While shipwrecked in Portugal, Columbus's studies increase his knowledge of the world and of maps and he hatches a plan to discover a new trade route from Europe to China by sailing East across the Atlantic. He is refused by King John of Portugal, but finally his voyage is financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. After near mutiny by his crew, his voyage is successful in discovering the "New World," which creates great hardship for the Native Americans. <br><br> <br><br> <font size="5"> Now if you've ever tried to do a play before, you are very well aware that <b><font color="ff0000">A Play is a Lot of Work!</FONT></b> It can be full of <I>hassles!</I> </font> <br> <br> As you know... <ul> <li>You NEED a good script! You might try writing your own with your cast (and that has GREAT educational value--see our book, "<a href="Playwriting.html">Playwrighting</a>") but that takes even <b><u>more effort</b></u> on your part, and requires a large investment of time with your group on just the writing part of it.<br><br> <li>If you don't write a script, you have to order one and wait for the script to arrive. That could take <b><u><I>WEEKS!</b></u></I> By then all your creative impulses and inspiration have melted.<br><br> <li>You have no idea what kind of script you are <i>really</i> getting until you read it. Good luck. If you've bought "kiddie" play scripts before, you know so many of them are <b><u>badly written</b></u>.<br><br> <li>You have to find a script that <u><b>fits your cast</b></u>. Most of the time, scripts either have a few characters (and then what do you do with the rest of the group?) or the balance of male to female parts is way off with the gender distribution of your group.<br><br> <li>You have to find a script that fits with your course of study. (God forbid you should be doing something that doesn't <b><u>align with your curriculum</u></b> :-). Horrors!)<br><br> <li>You have to motivate your cast. A badly written script will <b><u>doom the process</b></u> before you are even underway!<br><br> <li>You have to rehearse. With a complex script, that takes a <b><u>long time</b></u>, and students have to remain motivated throughout the whole process.<br><br> <li>You have to <b><u>produce the play</b></u>, that is to say, you have to come<br> up with sets, costumes, props... even music, in some cases. You not only have to make the production materials, you have the time-consuming task of coming up with the design... and I'm sure you have enough to think about and plan already.<br><br> <li>You have to <b><u>keep track of everything</b></u> in addition to riding herd on your cast... and when they get excited, they can be a handful... as I'm sure you well know :-). </ul> <font size="5"> But <b><font color="ff0000"><u>do you love the idea of doing a play </u></b></font> with your youngsters? I'll just bet that... </font> <ul> <li>You know the <b><u>benefits of performing</b></u>, including increased self confidence, better communication ability, increased focus and retention skills, among so many others.<br><br> <li>You want to <b><u>motivate</b></u> them to love what they are learning by making it come alive.<br><br> <li>You know you have some youngsters in your group, maybe most of them, who will <b><u>learn better this way</b></u> than any other.<br><br> <li>You know you have some youngsters in your group who may be struggling academically, but who will shine on stage! And this will give them something to be proud of.<br><br> <li>You are fully aware that good theatre combines <b><u>every one of the Multiple Intelligences</b></u> learning modalities: linguistic, logical, visual, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal all in one activity.<br><br> <li>You want to develop an <b><u>ensemble</b></u> feeling with your group.<br><br> <li>You just <b><u>love doing theatre,</b></u> especially the feeling that comes from collective creation. </ul> <center> <b><font color="#ff0000" size="5"> So How Can You Possibly <font color="#000080"><u><i>Reap the Benefits</i></u></font> of Doing Live Theatre and <font color="#000080"> <u><i>Avoid the Hassles</i></u></font>? </center> <br> <font color="#000000">After </font>40 years of doing theatre <font color="#000000"> in schools, youth groups and profession theatres, we believe we can offer you the answers to this question. </b></font></font> <br><br> To begin with, our ENTIRE STAFF of artist-educators comes from a <u>background of professional theatre</u>. We all know it like the back of our hand. <br><br> And for the balance of our careers, we have brought that expertise to schools and into the classroom. We've toured hundreds of shows to schools. We helped thousands of teachers to mount play productions in their schools. We've worked with <u>tens of thousands of students.</u> <br><br> Yep, we've made pretty much <u>made all the mistakes</u> it is possible to make already, and devised lots of <b>short cuts</b> and <b>solutions</b> to address the problems of creating theatre for young people. And that's what we want to <font color="#ff0000"><b> share with you: Our 40 years</b></font> of expertise of doing educational theatre. <br><br> To begin with, <b>you need an excellent script</B>, written by a professional playwright, and tailored to the <u>very specific needs</u> of the school environment. <ul> <li>Your script should ideally have an <u>expandable number of characters</u>: enough good leading and supporting roles to give enough students a crack at a juicy part, yet with an expandable chorus with a minimal amount of lines, so that anywhere from one, to a whole classroom, of youngsters can also be involved with a simple part.<br><br> <li>Your script has to have dialogue that is not only interesting and develops character, but that follows naturally, one line being an expected response to the previous one, so that <b>young actors can memorize their parts with ease.</b><br><br> <li>The dialogue should be short and simple enough at the elementary level, that it's easy to memorize, but with longer, more complex speeches at the high school-to-adult level to allow the actors to sink their teeth into the language, and develop their talents. It should be spread out reasonably evenly across many parts, so that seldom does any one role carry the entire burden, and all actors can feel they have an equal part in the play's success.<br><br> <li>Some writers think the vocabulary level has to at or below the age level of the cast, <b>but we don't necessarily agree!</b> Don't forget, you will get the chance to define the vocabulary in the play for your cast (several times, if necessary). Then, they will repeat it <u>over and over</u> as they rehearse it. (This is the great value of doing plays with ELL groups, incidentally: <b>developing vocabulary and conversationalism through repetition</b>). The cast will ingrain every single line in the show. It's the <b>AUDIENCE</b> to whom the vocabulary level must adjusted, for they will have one shot at understanding the play.<br><br> <li>The <b><u>quality</u></b> of the script, even when adaptating someone else's story, must develop a theme which is universal, potent and inspiring... or to be quite frank, why bother doing it?<br><br> <li>The script must offer the opportunity to be <u>easily produced</u>. If you can't possibly see how to do it without a million dollar technical effects production budget, again, what's the point?<br><br> <li>The script must have the possibility of aligning with your curriculum. You know that nowadays, you had better be able to <u>justify the investment of your group's time</u>.<br><br> <li>The script must be <u>short enough</u> for you to get it done with a minimum amount of rehearsal time, yet rich enough to excite your young people and motivate them to want to do their best. This requires rich characterization, a good storyline, snappy dialogue and, when called for, age-appropriate comedy. 10 to 15 minutes is probably long enough for an early childhood group to handle, with 20-40 minutes being okay from pre-teen and middle school ages, with longer scripts for high school and adult groups. For drama groups with plenty of rehearsal time, then only will you consider a two-act play, but even then, keep it shorter if they still need seasoning. You don't want to overburden yourself, your cast or your audience. A good quality shorter play will be appreciated more than a longer sloppy one. </ul> <!--Script for the Wise Old Woman play script cover--> <img src="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_imgs/NewWorld-259.jpg" width="250" height="325" border="1" alt="downloadable christopher columbus play script" align="right"> <b>And here's how to get your script INSTANTLY!!</b> Buy the e-book version of the script and in less than 5-minutes, the script will be saved on your computer, you will be reading it, editing it and printing as many copies as you want, all for <font color="#ff0000 size="6"><b> just $8. </b></font> <br><br> <center> <font size="4"> You can <b><font color="ff0000"> avoid shipping charges </font></b> <br> </font> and get the Christoper Columbus' play script <br> <font color="ff0000">downloaded right to your desktop <br> <b> NOW </b></font> <br> <font color="#ff0000 size="6"><b> for just $8. </b></font> <br> <!--E-BOOK order form downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <br/> <a href="http://14.creative76.pay.clickbank.net?detail=columbus" target=cb> <img src="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/dwpdl/dwpadmin/images/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Buy downloadable christopher columbus play script"> </a> <br> <font size="1"> You will receive a Zip file containing a Word document. <br><br> (Why buy an ebook? Many reasons: <a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/WhyBuyAnEbook.html"> Click here </a>.) </font> <br> <b> OR </b> <br><br> for just $11, you can have the Hard Copy. <br> <!--HARDCOPY order form for downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="MGXVLFHQB92FG"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_cart_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="order downloadable christopher columbus play script"> <img alt="downloadable christopher columbus play script" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </form> <!--End of downloadable christopher columbus play Script--> </center> </b> </center> To order the <i>Christopher Columbus play script</i> as a hard copy using a completely secure credit card payment at PayPal, one of the largest secure credit card companies on the Internet, click the "Add to Cart" button above. PayPal also accepts online checks, too. Once you have finished the quick and easy payment process, we will ship you a hard copy within a few days of receipt of your order. <br><br> <font color="000080" size="4"><b> Other ways to order than by credit card: <br> (<a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/ordering.html" target="_blank"> click here</a>) </font></b> <br><br> <center> <font size="5" color="#ff0000"><b> If you order right now, you also get this limited time <font color="#000080">FREE bonus</font> with your play! </b></font> </center> <br><br> We want to get you started quickly, and on the right foot! Don't miss the chance to get this <B><u>valuable additional material:</u></b> <i><font color="#000080">Seven Great Theatre Tips!</font></i> Some of this material is stuff even professionals overlook when producing their play. Don't miss out on it. But you will need to place your order immediately. This is a limited time offer. (If you'd like the <U>complete manual on play production</u> including these tips and everything else you need to know to do a play, check out our book <a href="DoingAPlay.html" target="_blank"><i>"Producing the School Play"</I></a>.) <br><br> <font color="000000"> You and your students will understand the inevitable forces which resulted in Christopher Columbus's story, his historic voyage to discover the land now known as the Americas as they recreate the historical time in their performance of this play. Full of colorful characters from another era, this play script is a perfect integration of theatre and history. <br><br> P. S. What happens if you're not completely satisfied? Here's our <b>100% Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee! </b> <a href="guarantee.html">(click here)</a>. <p align="left"> P.P.S. Would you would benefit from working with a professional director as your mentor on the Christopher Columbus play script? You may <A HREF ="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/Classics.html" target="_blank"> click here </a> to see how a Master Artist Teacher can work with your class on this play. <br><br> <br><br> <font color="ff0000"><b>So download your Christopher Columbus play script immediately: <font color="000000"><br> <!--E-BOOK order form downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <br/> <a href="http://14.creative76.pay.clickbank.net?detail=columbus" target=cb> <img src="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/dwpdl/dwpadmin/images/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Buy downloadable christopher columbus play script"> </a> <br> <font size="1"> You will receive a Zip file containing a Word document. <br><br> (Why buy an ebook? Many reasons: <a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/WhyBuyAnEbook.html"> Click here </a>.) </font> </center> <br> <b> OR </b> <br><br> for just $11, you can have the Hard Copy. <br> <!--HARDCOPY order form for downloadable christopher columbus play script--> <form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="MGXVLFHQB92FG"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_cart_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="order downloadable christopher columbus play script"> <img alt="downloadable christopher columbus play script" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </form> <!--End of downloadable christopher columbus play Script--> </br> </b> <!--Script for the Journal of Education on the downloadable christopher columbus play script page--> <table> <tr> <td width="25%" bgcolor="#66ccff"> <center> <b><font color="#000000" size="5"> Keep in touch with us and get our best theatre tips! <br><br> The most enlightened Journal of Education on the Internet <br> is available FREE! <br> <a href="newsletter.html" target="_blank"> Click here to read about it! </a> <br> And for a limited time only get this great <br> FREE BONUS <br> with your subscription: <br> "<i>Seven All-Time Favorite Games for the Classroom or Theatre Ensemble." </b></font> </center> </tr> </table> <!--End of Script--> <br><br> P.P.P.S. We offer a complete multicultural curriculum guide on Columbus and the Age of Exploration. To check it out, <a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/ColumbusGuide.html" target="_blank"> click here.</a> <br><br> <center> <font size="2"> <A HREF ="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/">Home</a> * <A HREF ="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/Playsquicklist.html">Individual Play Scripts</a> * <A HREF ="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/Playsquicklist.html#collections">Age-Appropriate Play Collections</a> * <A HREF ="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/playcategories.html">Plays by Category</a> * <a href="http://www.creativeeducationalsystems.com/web_files/ContactUs.html">Contact Us</a></center> </center> </body> </html>