Can young people gain an appreciation of
the Classics of literature in just a
few days?
You bet they can. With CES's new program Classics
in the Classroom, you can engage your
students' attention and motivate them to
enjoy a piece of classical literature at
any level from storytelling by a Master
Storyteller with follow-up workshops, up to a fully produced play,
regardless of their age.
Let our professional consultants in
arts-in-education lend a hand.
Email us or call 732-698-9885.

Students in the Bronx rehearse the Jungle Book
Short on budget? We can design a program
to fit any budget considerations you have.
Long on talent, time and desire for a real
extravaganza? We'll guide you through the
production of a fully produced play!
Just follow these FOUR EASY STEPS:
- First
, you select, from the list below, the story
or stories you'd like your students to become familiar with.
Second, you let us know what stories you've selected
and when you'd like to have a CES teaching artist visit you.
Email us now, telling us What stories you've selected (an artist
can work up to 3 contact hours a day, so you can select up to 3 different classes
and 3 different stories) and When you want us to
visit--approximately. Or call 732-698-9885.
Third, we send you a
complimentary copy of each script
we'll be working from with your students, along with
curriculum suggestions connected with each story, and
Fourth, the selected
teaching artist will visit your school,
talk to the teachers he or she will be working with, and
initiate a partnership for the residence.
Choose from amongst these scripts to suit
your class and your curriculum (age
levels are approximate--it always depends on the
maturity level of your students):
Early Childhood:
"Anansi Tales"
"Coyote the Firebringer"
"The Emperor's New Clothes"
"Jack and the Beanstalk"
"The Little Red Hen"
"Lon Po Po"
"Peter and the Wolf"
"The Princess and the Pea"
Inner city JHS students work on the Odyssey

Eight to eleven year olds:
"The Jungle Book"
"The Nightingale"
"The Sparrow Maiden"
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
"Rhodopis and the Song of the Falcon"
"The Myth of Demeter and Persephone"
"Juan Bobo and the Nightingales"
Twelve and up:
"A Christmas Carol"
"The Dream Rehearsed" (a Midsummer Nights Dream)
"The Odyssey"
"The Snow Queen"
"Two Fathom Mark Twain" (includes selections from
Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and the Prince and the Pauper)
Your students will love being involved in
classical literature. And by their active involvement,
they will understand the story better too.
Call us at 732-698-9885, or email us at
to find out how we can serve your
Depending on the level of production you want,
here are some options, and what you'd get
(please remember that these are just options):
Three day program:
- You get a complimentary
copy of the professionally produced, classroom
tested play script prior to our work with your students.
- The artist-consultant will
work with up to 3 classes of your students on their scripts during
the three days, spending up to 3 hours of total class
time each day, at your convenience, either all with one class,
or one hour with each of three different classes
each doing a different story.
- The residence may culminate (if desired) with a Readers
Theatre presentation, with an intelligent
reading of the script to another class.
- Copies of the scripts for each student involved.
- Cost: $1125 plus scripts (average price: $3 to $7 each copy, depending
on script chosen). Travel costs will be additional, and depend on your location.
Seven Day Program:
- You get a complimentary
copy of the professionally produced, classroom
tested play script prior to our work with your students.
- The artist-consultant will
work with up to 3 classes of your students on their scripts during
seven days, spending up to 3 hours of total class
time each day, at your convenience, either all with one class,
or one hour with each of three different classes
each doing a different story.
- The residence may culminate (if desired) with a staged Readers
Theatre presentation, with an intelligent
reading of the script to another class and with
minimal costumes and props to enliven the show.
- Cost: $2625 plus scripts (average price: $3 to $7 each copy, depending
on which script is chosen),
plus minimal materials costs. Travel costs will be additional, and depend on your location.
Fifteen Day Program:
- You get a complimentary
copy of the professionally produced, classroom
tested play script prior to our work with your students.
- The artist-consultant will
work with up to 3 classes of your students on their scripts during
fifteen days, spending up to 3 hours of total class
time each day, at your convenience, all with one class,
or one hour with each of three different classes
each doing a different story.
- The artist-consultant will
work with your students on the script during
fifteen days, spending up to 3 hours of class
time each day, at your convenience.
- Your class will enjoy making their own costumes,
sets and props, as elaborate as time and production budget
will allow.
- The residence may culminate (if desired) with a fully produced
presentation of the script to a large audience.
- Cost: $5812.50 plus scripts (average price: $3 to $7 each copy,
depending on which script is chosen)
plus some materials costs. Travel costs will be additional, and depend on your location.
(This time duration applies to plays of up to
25 minutes or so. Longer productions may
require additional rehearsal days.)
Email us to find out how you can
get this enthralling program for your
classes, or call us at 732-698-9885.
We also
provide residences in
Playwriting for Literacy where students write and perform
their own plays.
And check our touring
Assembly Shows to see
how your students can be trained by and
perform with professional actors at your school.
Click here to go to CES home page.