ET's Save the World
a play with
five short comedy skits

Cast List
QuasarLeader of the mission to save planet earth11
PulsarThe Science officer of the mission (a Mr. Spock type)8
NebulaThe second in command, a leader in the mission.8
QuarkOne of the ET’s assigned to the mission, a doubter2
CosmosOne of the ET’s assigned to the mission1
ChronosOne of the ET’s assigned to the mission1
SpectrumOne of the ET’s assigned to the mission1
ET’s 1 through 10ET’s on assignment on Earth4 lines each
BusinesspersonA cut-throat businessperson who cares only about money20
Homeless personPerson with a good education who cannot find work7
Old WomanOlder lady trying to get a cab5
Taxi cab driverA tough cab driver with a good heart3
CopA kind police officer who tries to help 4
GusA thief, but good at heart. Feels he must rob to survive because of unlucky circumstances of joblessness24
BarneyA simpleton thief, happy-go-lucky, not thrilled about the idea of robbing but convinced that Gus knows best17
JoseA well-to-do job counselor, strong and compassionate18
MariaA well-to-do job counselor, willful, and compassionate15
Citizen #1A person of color, well educated, living in a poor neighborhood8
Citizen #2A person of color, well educated, living in a poor neighborhood6
Policeman #1A prejudiced white cop who experiences a change of heart15
Policeman #2A prejudiced white cop who experiences a change of heart13
CaptainThe Captain of the local precinct, also prejudiced9
Dirk SlimeA conscienceless corporation president who adores his daughter14
Dorothy SlimeDirk’s 8 year old daughter7
Beatrice MightDirk’s second in command, a woman of conscience who is stuck in the corporate machine4
President of the U.S.A powerful man who is scared of other countries gaining more power than the U.S. and therefore builds arms23
Aide #1Aide to President of the U.S.7
Aide #2Aide to President of the U.S.10
President of the U.S.A powerful man who is scared of other countries gaining more power than the U.S. and therefore builds arms23
Sadaam Boom Ba BaThe leader of Qatar, a small Middle Eastern power and sworn enemy of the United States10
Qatari AideRight hand person to Sadaam4

Note: The cast size may vary depending on how many extra ET’s are cast and how much double casting is undertaken (e.g., ET’s in earlier scenes can return as other characters in later scenes).

Note: Gender in all parts is interchangeable and will have no affect on the theme of the story, despite the fact that the parts have been written to reflect a particular gender.

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