arts in education book store for teachers
"Why the Hare Runs Away"
a play script adaptation of a short African animal folktale

Why the Hare Runs Away play script
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Here's one of our satisfied customers:
"The plays are turning out to be an absolute success! The kids love the "Hare" play you sent us. Thank you for making this a wonderful summer for our camp."
-- Nyle MacFarlane,
-- Theatre teacher, Summer in the Parks

Why the Hare Runs Away play script cover In a frollicking romp with delightful animal characters, this play, based on an old, short African animal fable, explains why the Hare never drinks at the watering hole with the other animals, and teaches the lessons of cooperation and compromise in working out problems which affect a community.

During one of the worst droughts in history, the animals who inhabit the desert decide they have to dig in the ground find water in order to survive. Every animal agrees to go into town and find work so they can buy a shovel... all, that is, except the Hare, who hides and then ends up frightening the other animals away from their newly dug watering hole, so he can have the water all to himself. When the other animals catch the Hare and threaten to banish him, he explains his behavior, and comes up with a compromise which will allow them all to have as much water as they need.

This 10 minute play script has 5 major roles and 1 small supporting character, all of any gender. Each of the parts can be double or multiple cast, allowing for a larger group to be involved. This script is excellent for early elementary school casts but works with older students who are uninhibited and not afraid to do animal characterizations, especially if they are performing the play for a young audience. The hard copy version is 8 1/2" x 11" in size with spiral binding (which lets it lie flat on a desk, when opened) and color cover.

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Why the Hare Runs Away play script
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