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"Your Infinite Power to be Rich"

"Joseph Murphy's material is always helpful! Great teaching if you want to improve your positive mental attitude and strengthen your inner belief systems. Anything of Josephy Murphy is inspirational."
--T. McConnell
--January 3, 2007

Murphy, Joseph. Your Infinite Power to be Rich, (Paperback) West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Company, Inc., 1980.

--June 4, 2001

Another great title in this great metaphysician's valuable body of work. All the well-known laws of prosperity are covered in the author's engaging style, followed by the familiar testimonies of various people's experiences. Useful affirmations and information on visualisation are provided in Murphy's inimitable style. I admire the simplicity of his writing and his talent for clearly explaining the laws of mind. His non-dogmatic view of "tithing," which he explains as giving with love, is not about only money and especially not about percentages, but about cultivating the right spirit of giving in all areas of your life. There are numerous quotes from people like Emerson, Gibran, Longfellow and from the Bible. Fortunately, Murphy's interpretation of these biblical statements make sense in the light of psychology. A highly recommended work of wisdom and good guidance.

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