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"To Be Or Not To Be"
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Here's one of our satisfied customers:
"I easily downloaded the plays - thanks so much. I am a teacher of gifted and talented students. I am always on the look for interesting and educational plays, as my reading students enjoy them so much! This volume looks just perfect.
"Thanks again."
Peggy Beatty--teacher

To Be Or Not To Be, volume II is a collection of seven original preteen one act kids play scripts written and produced in schools by theatre professionals from Creative Educational Systems. Most of the plays have a playing time of 20-45 minutes -- perfect for a school assembly program or a children's theatre production. And each script has been successfully performed by young people.

The plays are accompanied by curriculum suggestions in the areas of language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, art, music and dance. This provides the educator with an incredibly useful template for connecting the material in each play to the students' curriculum.

Each play is also followed by production notes on staging, style, costumes, sets and lighting, properties and sound and music. Every idea you need to create a successful production is right here.

Audiences of young people watching a live play will:

  • assimilate the curriculum or thematic content of the play,
  • empathize with how other people may think and feel,
  • discover what possibilities exist in the world beyond their own neighborhoods,
  • understand the results of actions made from good and evil intentions, and
  • realize why people behave the way they do.
Children will inevitably identify with one character or another and vicariously experience the emotional progression of that character until the end of the play -- and sometimes, long after.

Young people participating in the production of a play will experience all of the above, plus:
  • an in-depth understanding of the curriculum or thematic content of the play,
  • the internal motivations of the character they portray,
  • the self-discipline needed to perform successfully in front of an audience,
  • the dynamics of interpersonal relationships crucial to the opening of a show,
  • the process of going over the same thing time and again in the pursuit of excellence, AND
  • instant feedback as to how well they performed the tasks to which they committed themselves.
The plays include:
(for a fuller description of an individual play, click the title)

preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • Anansi and the Talking Melon: Children thrill to re-enact the classic Afro-Caribbean stories of Anansi, the trickster spider. Enjoy this classic and teach your children multicultural values at the same time.
    (Recommended for Grades 3-6) A $10 value.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • The ETs Save the Earth: This collection of five morality skits introduces students to contemporary issues of social, economic, and political justice using the hilariously comic twist of alien creatures bound and determined to save humankind from its own shortsightedness.
    (Recommended for Grades 3-8) A $7 value.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • Coyote and the Stars: This classic Native American folktale about the origin of the stars engages children in the hilarious story of the original People and how the attempt of the bumbling Coyote led to the constellations and the nature of Coyote's song. A beautiful lesson in avoiding carelessness and selfishness, this story will also engage students in Native American culture and legend, and is a wonderful introduction to multi- cultural folklore.
    (Recommended for Grades 3-8) A $7 value.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • Juan Bobo and the Nightingales Let your students build their own self esteem while at the same time seeing this folktale, of Latin American culture about the simpleton Juan Bobo, and how his good heart always leads to down the right path, despite some ridiculous antics along the way.
    (Recommended for Grades 4-12) An $7 value.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • Thumbelina The beloved Hans Christian Andersen fairytale of the girl no bigger than a thumb comes alive in this play of wonderful characters and a journey of courage and determination.
    (Recommended for Grades 3-12) A $7 value.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • Why the Hare Runs Away What a wonderful chance for students to exercise their dramatic abilities in this African animal folktale about the trickster Hare which explains his shy behavior in this story where all the animals learn the need to have compassion for each others idiosyncrasies and needs.
    (Recommended for Grades 4-12) A $5 value.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover
  • The Wise Old Woman: This delightfully funny Japanese tale not only thrills students with its colorful characters and comic moments, but also teaches the respect of one's elders and compassion for those less fortunate than we.
    (Recommended for11Grades 4-12) An $9 value.

    This sensational offer gives you a total value of $52 worth of individual scripts all under one cover for only $23!

    An amazing 56% OFF
    the price of buying each script individually.!

    And the savings are even better, if you get the ebook for
    just $17!

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    Buy the Hard Copy for $23.

    preteen one act kids play scripts collection cover Could the news get any better than this??

    You can also get Volume 1
    of the Pre-Teen Play collection,

    for the same low price of just
    $23 for the hard copy.

    And it is still 26% off for the ebook!

    (Click here to read more about Volume 1)

    Click the order button below
    to get your ebook of Volume 1 now for
    just $17!
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    this play collection now for just $23.
    preteen one act kids play scripts

    Better Yet!!

    You can get them
    for an incredible savings of another
    24 % OFF
    when you buy them together.

    Buy the ebook of both volumes
    for just $26!
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    You will receive a Zip file containing two Word documents.


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    for just $37!

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