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"There's a Customer Born
Every Minute"

"From the title, Joe Vitale, shows us how Joe's customers are born every minute. Can you see the secret? I will not miss any books from Joe. It is a must in business. Customers are critical, when you have 10 amazing "Rings of Power", Our business success is Guaranteed. If you just delay 1 day in getting this book, you are losing 1440 customers today. Grab the book now, and stop losing customers for your business success. "
--Suwandi Chow
--January 13, 2007

Allen, Robert. There's a Customer Born Every Minute:, P.T. Barnum's Amazing 10 "Rings of Power" for Creating Fame, Fortune, and a Business Empire Today—Guaranteed! (Hardcover) American Management Association, 1998.

--John Matlock
--August 23, 2006
--Winnemucca, NV USA

"This is one of those books that anyone in business, particularly management, marketing or sales, and especially the owner of a small business needs to read every so often. As you read it, or re-read it for the tenth time you'll find some idea to try on the current problem that you're trying to solve. Mostly this book is a series of little stories. They tell what someone did at some time with a general theme of promoting a business. Most of these will be of no interest to you at all. They won't have any relevance at all to your project. But then once in a while you'll find something that fits. You'll use the idea. Next time though that you read the book you'll find one of the 'no relevance' ideas all of a sudden turns on the proverbial lightbulb."

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