The foundation of Creative Educational Systems'
educational approach may be found in the
Change of Heart: Artistic Alternatives to Violence
Curriculum Framework. To read the Framework,
click here
CES professional consultations may include:
Community Building
Integrating violence prevention, conflict
resolution, best mental health practices, Howard
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the
visual and performing arts into every aspect of
your curriculum.
Curriculum design on any subject
Designing the arts-based thematic interdisciplinary
Play direction
Play design and production (costumes, sets,
music, etc.)
Development of an adult or young people's theatre
program at your school or organization
Writing and editing grant applications and
related documents
Training of teaching artists
Staff development in such topics as:
Integrating the arts into the academic curriculum
Producing the school play
Practical applications of the Theory of Multiple
Intelligences in the classroom
Enlightened classroom management
Change of Heart: artistic alternatives to
"The outcome of education must not be a foregone
conclusion; rather it must be an unending quest for
enlightenment. An enlightened education is, by its
very nature, neither rigid nor undefined, but flexible,
as it must serve as the given context of our society,
while accommodating the ever-expanding universe of our children."