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Enlightened Education
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"The Journal for Enlightened Education: New Realities for
Our Children" is a bi-monthly newsletter for educators
and artists full of news items, teaching tips and best practices,
event announcements, funding sources, job opportunities,
product announcements, book reviews and stories from
all around the world.
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with your subscription:
"Seven of our All Time Favorite Games" for the classroom or theatre
yours as our gift, when if you subscribe immediately.
- Want to meld your group into a harmonius unit?
- Want to loosen them up for performing?
- Want to teach them some basic acting skills while at the same time
increasing their confidence, self-esteem, and communication skills?
- Want to prepare for integrating the arts into this year's
lesson plans, and prepare them for getting dramatically involved in
their curriculum?
"Seven of our All Time Favorite Games" for the classroom or
theatre ensemble is the quickest, most fun way to start. Your
young people will thank you for this! Sign up for our newsletter
and start adding immediately to your fount of inspiration to
create an enlightened education environment for your young people!
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