Change of Heart
(Artistic Alternatives to Violence)
Five Steps to Change of Heart:
Step I: Identification of Feelings
Increasing one’s self-knowledge leads to improved self-confidence. As one
is able to understand one’s feelings, then one can objectify them by writing
a poem, acting out a scene, painting a picture, dancing, singing, playing
an instrument or any number of cognitive or affective activities.
Identification is an important first step in preventing violence, because
one can only control feelings when one is aware of what one is feeling.
Step II: Acknowledgment of Feelings
Our society has been taught certain feelings are not only "inappropriate,"
but downright "wrong." Therefore, we grow up learning to be guilty when
we find ourselves having feelings we’re "not supposed to have." It is
necessary for us to acknowledge—at least to ourselves—when we are
feeling fear or boredom or rage or resentment…or even ecstasy. Otherwise,
we will not be able to make a conscious decision to change or not change
how we feel. Acknowledgment of what we are feeling, along with the
reassurance that it is normal to have such feelings, both increases
and empowers us to change what we don’t like about our lives.
Step III: Expressing Feelings Through the Arts
Violence is inevitably a wanton expression of repressed feelings. Unable
to express strong "negative" feelings, because of the ingrained fear of
personal judgment against us, we become frustrated, our self-image
deteriorates and, depending on our level of emotional literacy, we may
become either withdrawn or overtly aggressive. Either of these symptoms
can erupt into violence against ourselves or others. Guided creative
expression of whatever we may feel (which may be as simple as designing
and preparing a meal or as complex as producing a community event) allows
us to focus our energy on acts of creation rather than acts of destruction.
Involvement in the arts teaches us the principles, processes and techniques
of creation.
Step IV: Communicating Feelings to Others
Writing a poem about how we feel toward a loved one is a deeply personal
experience. When we write a poem to a loved one to let them know how we
feel, the experience is quite different. We choose our words more carefully,
we think not only about how we feel, but also how the recipient will feel
when the poem is received. Songs, plays, dances and other art works may
be designed to communicate to an audience or spectator. Once a student
is able to understand and express feelings (achieving a degree of self-
knowledge) it is then possible and often desirable to put forth a personal
statement about how one feels. The artistic statement becomes the "voice"
of the artist. And being "heard" inevitably validates the self.
Step V: Collaboration
Co-creation, or working together for a common purpose, is what transforms
a community. Within the classroom environment, the preparation and
presentation of an exhibit, a theatrical production, a concert or other
collaborative event that may be shared with others, gives students the
opportunity to be an active part of something larger than themselves. Once
they have learned to identify, acknowledge, express and communicate their
feelings, they can then cooperatively give the gift of their transformation
to the larger community, thus experiencing the self-esteem of contributing
to the whole.
* Books by CES
* Change of Heart table of contents
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