Absolutely Free
School Play Consultation

from CES

With 40 years of experience in both professional theatre and with producing quality plays in school classrooms and assemblies,
We Can Help!

And we'll do it for FREE!

Why do we do this?
Simple: Research!

We need to keep up with the needs of our clients. You see, after 40 years of doing arts in education in schools, producing a school play comes very naturally to us. We don't even have to think about it.

And we have a tendency to forget that even experienced school directors run into problems they can't solve.

So from time to time we have to refresh our awareness of those needs. And to do that, we have to talk to you directly, and hear from you what your experience is, and what your needs really are, not just what we imagine them to be based on our past experiences.

And this is the perfect way to do it. So we'll be happy to help you for free, if you will help us in turn.

Here's what we need you to do:

First, send us an email and we'll write you back. After a thoughful exchange of email information, we will set up a time when we can talk on the phone for 15 minutes. That way we'll be prepared when you call to get right to your questions.

So here's what we need: Once we have this information (and again, we may write you for more details) we'll set up a time for your free 15 minute phone consultation.

So let's get started. Send us an email at consulting@creativeeducationalsystems.com and we'll respond to you within a day.

(If it's an emergency situation, by all means contact us by phone. We'll try to respond as quickly as we possibly can. But for us to give you our best ideas and thoughtful consideration, it is best if you have the time to email us first and let us do some planning.)

We're excited you're doing a play, and happy you are helping us by letting us help you.
Let us get you going on a free consultation now so you can get on with the fun and producing and directing.

Keep in touch with us and get our best tips!

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