As an educational consultation firm, Creative Educational Systems has actively marketed CES Books for more than fifteen years in such venues as school and school district professional development workshops and seminars; presentations at local, regional and national conferences; classes for teachers and artists at colleges and universities and for the NY United Federation of Teachers; back-of-room sales at public seminars; book catalogs and brochures mailed to schools and school districts; and regular fax notices and e-mailings to schools in New York City (and some schools, nationwide). Indirect marketing efforts include advocacy for arts-in-education through the Enlightened Education Center in Cyberspace ( newsletter, The Journal for Enlightened Education: New Realities for our Children, with over 8,000 subscribers. Each issue of the newsletter (and intermittent announcements) feature individual CES Book titles. CES Books are also featured on the Enlightened Education Center website (see URL, above) in both hard copy and e-book formats. In addition, Creative Educational Systems, as a NYC licensed arts provider, contracts with individual professional teaching artists to perform residences in individual schools in the NY metropolitan area, teaching a wide variety of K-12 curriculum subjects through arts-in-education techniques, based on CES Books and CES plays. (Creative Educational Systems also publishes plays and play collections). Teaching artists are regularly trained to present professional development workshops and seminars for teachers (with back-of-room sales); and all CES Books include backlist descriptions of every published title in print. All marketing strategies will continue and be expanded with commercial publisher support.

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