Change of Heart
(Artistic Alternatives to Violence)
Program Implementation:
Because each community has its own particular culture (with its own needs,
concerns and resources) each program must necessarily at the planning stage
of practical implementation, address the specific needs, concerns and
resources of those individuals taking responsibilities for the administration
of each program component.
Therefore, there must first be a seminar/workshop/planning session among
those already committed to the project to create a program infrastructure,
satisfactory to all those involved (e.g., addressing already mandated needs
of participating schools; involvement strategies of parents and parent
groups as well as of artists and arts agencies; scientific involvement
in the requisite evaluation procedures; and training of involved personnel
in mental health best practices and mental illness interventions.
Initial training of all directly involved personnel in:
- The principles, processes and techniques of arts-in-education.
- The understanding and application of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple
Intelligences in and out of the classroom.
- The understanding and application of mental health best practices.
These should be begun simultaneously with each target group of trainees
(teaching artists, educators and parents) learning separately, at first,
the content of each seminar directly addressing their particular roles
in the implementation process, and then brought together for practical
understanding of how they may most effectively work together to achieve
their common goals.
NOTE: The duration of these initial trainings will be dependent on time
availability of key personnel in the implementation process, availability
of project funds, and the starting date agreed on for program implementation.
Actual program implementation in selected schools or organizations. During
this period of time (quarter, semester or school year, depending on the
degree to which initial objectives are demonstrating visible progress in
classrooms), the first stage of the entire Change of Heart program will be
tested, documented and evaluated. The following procedures will need to be
- First findings are published and disseminated to the appropriate
organizations and agencies.
- 2. Grants and other kinds of funding are raised to continue and expand
the program.
- 3. Leading personnel (teaching artists, educators, counselors and parents)
are selected to become mentors and begin training others to continue and
expand their work.
- Instructional materials and teachers’ resources (in addition to those
initially provided) are written, published and disseminated.
- Ongoing on-site progress is reported, staff development and one-on-one
consultation ensures progress is being made as anticipated—along with
program refinement and adaptation to changing circumstances.
- The program is expanded into other organizations, or classrooms and
schools within the participating school district.
Once the Change of Heart program has been proven successful, determination
can be made by all involved as to how long and how widely the program may
be expanded. Experience and documentation will then be available as a
guideline as to how best to proceed.
* Books by CES
* Change of Heart table of contents
* Contact Us